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Traveling Overseas To Do Checklist

Before you go on a vacation in a foreign country, you should make plans to see an estate planning attorney.

Estate-planning basics

If you are about to undertake such a visit, you have probably made all sorts of plans about what you want to see at your destination of choice. You might have even purchased new clothing, luggage, cameras and other things to take on your trip.

There is one more thing that you need to plan for that you might not have considered.

You need to plan for the worst case scenario and visit an estate planning attorney as the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog discusses in "So You're Going on a Trip."

In all likelihood, nothing bad will happen to you while you are in a foreign country.

The odds are in your favor.

However, the world can be a dangerous place and it is important to make sure you have your general affairs in order, just in case.

At a minimum, you will want to get a general durable power of attorney and a health care power of attorney, so if you are injured or get sick on your trip someone else has the legal authority to handle your day to day needs.

It is also a good idea to get a full estate plan, so your family is taken care of, just in case the worst happens.

You should not be afraid to go to a foreign country on vacation, but you should prepare as if you are.

Visit an estate planning attorney.

Reference: Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog (July 31, 2017) "So You're Going on a Trip."

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