It is impossible to know whether you will ever have an accident or have an illness that will leave you incapacitated. However, you can easily plan for dealing with it should it happen.
Most people generally understand that the older they get, the more likely they are to suffer from cognitive decline because of Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia. As people get older, they often begin to prepare for what will happen if their time comes and they become incapacitated.
To get started, schedule an appointment with an estate planning attorney. The attorney can prepare the necessary documents for incapacity.
You will need a general durable power of attorney, so someone else has the authority to handle your day-to-day finances. A health care power of attorney will allow someone else to make your health care decisions. A living will lets you decide ahead of time what medical means can be taken to prolong your life.
Consider taking another step at the attorney’s office and get an estate plan, just in case an accident or illness does more than incapacitate you.
Reference: TC Palm (Feb. 20, 2018) "Be as prepared as you can by planning for incapacity."