One of the many tasks that the executor of an estate has, is to assess whether anyone owes the estate any money or could be determined to owe the estate money, if sued. If the answer to either question is yes, then the executor has a duty to act accordingly and try to collect on behalf of the estate for the benefit of the heirs.
A recent example of this comes from the estate of Katie May, a former Playboy model. May apparently suffered injuries during a photo shoot and went to a chiropractor for treatment.
The chiropractor worked on her neck. She later died.
The coroner determined the treatment injured her artery and cut off blood flow to her brain, as TMZ reported in "Playboy Model Katie May Estate Sues Chiropractor...Your Treatment Killed Her."
May's executor and the father of her child is suing the chiropractor for wrongful death on behalf of the estate. Even if he did not personally believe the coroner's report that the chiropractor was responsible for May's death, he would likely have an obligation to sue.
While this is an unusual case in that it features a Playboy model and an apparent death at the hands of a chiropractor, it illustrates something important. Executors have duties to the estate and some of those duties can be challenging.
It is for this reason that executors are advised to get the assistance of estate attorneys to help carry out their duties.
Reference: TMZ (June 14, 2017) "Playboy Model Katie May Estate Sues Chiropractor...Your Treatment Killed Her."