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Disability Planning

The number of Americans who suffer from Alzheimer's disease is expected to double in upcoming decades. It is important to make plans for what should happen, if you are one of the victims.

Alzheimer's is a scary disease to contemplate. Those who suffer from it slowly lose their cognitive abilities. They no longer recognize their loved ones and are increasingly unable to take care of even their most basic affairs.


That is a scary proposition for many and it is something everyone should make plans for as the Times Herald-Record discusses in "Disability planning is vital in case of cognitive impairment."

Fortunately, planning for Alzheimer's disease is not very difficult.

An estate planning attorney or elder law attorney can assist you in getting your legal paperwork in order. You will need a health care power of attorney, so someone of your choosing can make your medical decisions for you. You will need a general durable power of attorney, so someone of your choosing can handle your day to day financial affairs. You will also need a living will so that doctors will know what to do and not to do, when you are terminally ill with no chance of recovery.

There is no reason to delay getting these documents. They are easy to get. Everyone should have them, just in case something happens.

Reference: Times Herald-Record (Jan. 18, 2018) "Disability planning is vital in case of cognitive impairment."

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